i5K Coordinating Group
Oct 19, 2022
11:00-12:00 EDT
The focus of this meeting will be on continuing to re-vision i5K.
Attending: Anna Childers, Chris Childers, Glenn Hanes, Sue Brown, Rob Waterhouse, Sarthok Rahman, Marc Halfon, Monica Poelchau, fringy Richards, Duane McKenna, Surya Saha, Brad Coates, Michael Pfrender, Michael Branstetter
- Past Meeting Updates
- ICE-Helsinki (Rob). Rob’s session went well.
- Upcoming Meetings [brief updates, if any]
- Biodiversity Genomics-Hinxton, 3-7 October 2022 (Mark, Rob, Anna): Post-meeting
- Suggestion - hybrid in future with local, in-person engagement
- Talk quality was good
- Might be nice to highlight talks afterwards so you know to go back to them later
- ESA-Vancouver, 13-16 November 2022 (Brad, Catherine)
- things are moving along
- regarding talk quality assessment - ESA has a way to ‘star’ talks on their conference portal
- Biodiversity Genomics-Hinxton, 3-7 October 2022 (Mark, Rob, Anna): Post-meeting
- Publications - no updates
- EBP Update (Anna)
- governance of org structure
- global DSI handling
- proposal - 1% tax on anyone who benefits from DSI, which could go back to groups where the samples originated that typically don’t see any financial benefits
- DEI discussions
- how to move EBP beyond phase 1
- of the new genomes that are available on GOAT, the highest quality tend to be from EBP
- Presentation on All of Us platform (fringy)
- possible model for how i5k Workspace could evolve
- question regarding credit towards those who develop the pipelines - how can it be ensured that bioinformaticists’ work is valued and not disregarded?
- should training on analyses focus on making analyses too easy, or explaining how the analyses should be performed?
- foster collaborations between bench/field scientists and computational biologists, in addition to training in bioinformatics? E.g. Beenome project
- scientific use case scenario - e.g. typical conservation genomics pipelines, or identify the top 10 ag100pest analyses
- Use case from Sarthok’s lab - GWAS, workflow in github, whole lab tries to do analyze in the same way - e.g. Galaxy model
- Visioning 2022 (Monica, Brad)
- Brief recap of last month’s meeting
- Two levels to think about here
- small concrete suggestions that came out of the lunches/discussions
- vision and mission and longer term future for i5k
- also how the workspace fits into this future
- Two levels to think about here
- Old and new vision review
- ‘Priority setting’ ⇒ less important these days
- ‘coordination among projects’ ⇒ more important these days
- training ⇒ still just as important as ever
- ‘protocols’ ⇒ called ‘guidelines’ previously, this is probably more important than ever now - protocols for all steps from sampling to data analysis (compgeno) - analysis protocols can be considered analogous to computational workflows
- how to give recognition / incentive for community contributions to common good tools/workflows/notebooks (micro-publications)
- old vision had clear objectives to connect with funders - this did not come up this time in the review … some success with lobbying US Congress, but it is really hard and things move really slowly ⇒ have we been talking to too-high-a-level and need to go down a notch to wider decision makers?
- What about getting support from e.g. National Academy of Entomology, other stakeholders that could benefit from genome data
- Need to communicate use-cases, concrete understandable examples of benefits to humans ecosystems etc.
- Discussion of new reasonable and manageable action items/approaches to act on vision
- If time, discuss whether we:
- Could put together a new action plan that would be worth funding via an RCN or other mechanism, or
- Conversely, pare down i5K so that the action plan items are reasonable and manageable for a non-funded group
- Brief recap of last month’s meeting
NEXT MEETING: November 16, 2022
11:00-12:00 EST
Note, this is EST with the time change