i5K Coordinating Group
17 January 2024
11:00-12:00 EST
Meeting Chair: Marc Halfon
Attending: Kristen Panfilio, Monica Poelchau, Marc Halfon, Teresa Shippy, Sarthok Rahman, Sue Brown, Jay Evans, Brad Coates, Glenn Hanes, Josh Benoit, Rena Schweizer
Regrets: Duane McKenna, Brian Scheffler, Rob Waterhouse
- Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.
- New member introductions
- Congratulations on Sharon Roberts’ retirement
- Email list now maintained by Marc Halfon
- New calendar invites?
- Working group highlights (can change order)
- Community building and outreach
AGS request for 2 presentations:
- Monica Poelchau: i5K overview
- Rena Schweizer or Michael Branstetter: Applications in the Beenome100
AGS Organizing Committee representative from i5K. Seek volunteers from others in the i5K, but Josh Benoit will be the backup.
i5K lunch - recruitment opportunity? Organized by Monica.
i5K mission statement: need to send to Samuel Rund. Monica, please forward link to the i5K revamp document to Brad.
- Standards - none
- Exec committee - none
- Training
- Genome Project Coordination
- Working group additional items (example: AGS organization discussion from the Outreach WG)
Other items from the community germane to the cc (e.g. relevant EBP updates, new funding opportunities, meetings/conferences)
Discussion on role of i5k at AGS Kenya this summer. Feedback sought for planned 2-hr i5k session.
- Details of the meeting are as follows, wherein they are requesting that the Coordinating Committee provide two presentations & corresponding presenters for the planned i5K session:
- 1) A presentation that outlines the i5K (which could include recruitment aspects), and
2) a presentation on a specialized topic or application.
Lastly, due to i5K lunches being held at past AGS (led by Monica), is there plans to hold an analogous lunch at the upcoming meeting in Kenya?
- Meeting details:
Arthropod Genomics Symposium (AGS) 2024 co-hosted by the Kenyan Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), June 25-27, 2024 Nairobi, Kenya. Location KCB Leadership Centre, Nairobi, Kenya; Website and registration links up Feb 1, 2024
- Sessions
* Insecticide Resistance
* Transgenics / gene drive
* Microbiome
* i5K:
* Vector Genomics
- Brief update on PAG 2024:
- Monica gave a talk on the i5k Workspace@NAL, and presented 2 slides on i5k, including 1 on the working groups and recruitment. Thanks to Brad for the stock slides!
- There’s a small but substantial contingent of arthropod researchers that attend PAG now, including 5 arthropod-related sessions.
NEXT MEETING: 21 February 2024
11:00-12:00 EST