i5k Community Building and Outreach

Connect with the i5k Community
AGSx Virtual Symposium
Past Activities

The i5k Community is i5k’s best asset!
We aim to strengthen the network of i5k Community researchers through informational content and career building opportunities and promote arthropod genomic research within the global genomics community.

Connect with the i5k Community

Subscribe to the Arthropod News mailing list to receive announcements about i5k activities. Email frequency is typically very low.

YouTube logo that links to the i5k Community YouTube Channel
Watch recordings on the i5k Community YouTube Channel from our annual AGSx virtual symposiums, training videos, our former i5k Webinars series, the 2020 virtual Arthropod Genomics Symposium (AGS), and other i5k research talks, as permitted by the presenters.

Slack logo that links to the Arthropod Genomics Community Slack Workspace
Engage with members of the i5k Community in the Arthropod Genomics Community Slack Workspace.

X logo that links to the i5k Community's account
See and share i5k related updates by tagging the @Arthropod_i5K account on X, a social networking site formerly known as Twitter.

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Members of the i5k Community host sessions at several conferences throughout the year.

Conference Additional Information
XXVII International Congress of Entomology (ICE2024) August 25 -30, 2024
Kyoto, Japan

The theme for ICE 2024 is New Discoveries through Consilience. ICE is held once every four years and features a wide range of plenary lectures, symposia, and poster sessions.

Symposium Highlight:
- “International sequencing initiatives: Building genomic resources and bridging research disciplines”, organized by Brad Coates
BioDiversity Genomics Conference 2024 October 28, 2024 - November 1, 2024
open | online | global

Join thousands of researchers worldwide to hear all the latest findings and ideas as we strive to complete the goals of the Earth Biogenome Project (EBP): “sequencing life for the future of life.”

BG24 is free to attend and will feature a mix of sessions with invited talks, including keynote presentations, and open sessions proposed by researchers around the world. There will be a focus on regional initiatives and on the global drive to ensure equity and justice in biodiversity sequencing.

Session Highlights:
- Beenomes and Badnomes: Advances in applied insect genomics, organized by Jay Evans and Anna Childers
- Exploring the evolution and genomic basis of beetle (Coleoptera) diversity, organized by Duane McKenna
- i5K community meeting, organized by Monica Poelchau and Brad Coates
Entomology 2024 November 10-13, 2024
Phoenix, Arizona

The theme for Entomology 2024 is Empowering Tomorrow with Insect Science. From educational sessions, career development, networking, student and early career programming and more, ESA’s Annual Meeting, has something for everyone! This annual meeting is hosted by the Entomological Society of America (ESA).
International Plant & Animal Genome Conference (PAG 32) January 10-15, 2025
San Diego, CA

The scientific program at PAG includes informative speakers, technial presentations, poster sessions, and workshops. Members of the i5k Community host multiple sessions during the conference.

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AGSx Virtual Symposium

AGSx is a Virtual Symposium hosted annually by the i5k Community in the Spring, typically between February and May, with one session each month focused on a different theme. AGSx is organized and held independent of the annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium (AGS). The AGSx symposia highlights recent advances in basic and applied Arthropod genomics research.

The program for each symposia, including talk abstracts, can be found on their websites linked below. Sessions are recorded and available through the i5k Community YouTube Channel. Interested in becoming involved as session organizer or speaker? Please contact us!

AGSx2024 banner AGSx Virtual Symposium Spring 2024 Sessions
1. Production of Insects for Food and Feed
2. Insect Genome Biology and Evolution
3. Beenome100 and Comparative Bee Genomics
4. NIH Comparative Genomics Resource: An NCBI Toolkit of Data and Tools Unlocking Arthropod Research
AGSx2023 banner AGSx Virtual Symposium Spring 2023 Sessions
1. Genomics for Insects as Food and Feed
2. Insect Genome Biology and Evolution
3. Beenome100 and Comparative Bee Genomics
AGSx2022 event bannerAGSx2022 sponsors banner AGSx Virtual Symposium Spring 2022 Sessions
1. Insect Genomic Technologies to Improve Food Applications
2. Honeybee Workshop
3. Arthropod Genomics and Genome Engineering
4: Application of New Genomics Tools and Techniques in Arthropods
AGSx2021 event bannerAGSx2021 sponsors banner AGSx Virtual Symposium Spring 2021 Sessions
1. Insect Genomic Technologies to Improve Food Applications
2. Arthropod Genomics and Genome Engineering
3. Application of New Genomic Tools and Techniques in Arthropods
4. Honeybee Workshop

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Past Activities

2020 Arthropod Genomics Symposium

The 13th Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium, held July 21-23 2020, was a fully virtual meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More information about the symposium, including the agenda, can be found on the website and recordings of the talks are available as a Playlist on the i5k Community YouTube Channel.

i5k Webinar Series

The i5k Webinar Series ran from October 2016 to December 2019. Webinars introduced researchers to a variety of techniques, technologies and best practices to help move their research forward. More information about the series including information on all of the talks can be found on the website and recordings of the talks are available as a Playlist on the i5k Community YouTube Channel.

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