i5K Coordinating Group – meeting notes
Feb 19, 2020
11:00-12:00 (ET)
Attending: Monica Poelchau, Brad Coates, Kevin Hackett, Chris Childers, Brian Scheffler, Jay Evans, Glenn Hanes, Marian Goldsmith, Duane McKenna, Anna Childers, Meg Allen, Rob Waterhouse, Sue Brown
- EBP Update (fringy)
- No updates.
- Project Database (Mark, Mara, fringy, Monica): ENA-based
- No updates.
- Meetings
- PAG Ag100Pests Talk: Join Session per Lindsey Perkin (Kevin); Add 2nd Talk (Surya)
- Kevin has talked to Lindsey Perkin; would encourage a talk on a 'full story' from an Ag100Pest project – would still be good to have an overview talk. We'll need to think about how to prep this
- Brad plans on giving a 'full story' on the corn rootworm next year
- Anna: all other genomes are probably too early in the process for a full story
- Other options: Sheina, Scott, Erin (ALB etc.)
- Entsoc: Brad has been looking into this, and will take the lead
- Monica gave an overview of previous symposia we organized within the i5k purview
- Theme is diversity/inclusion
- Could also include diversity of stakeholders – government, industry etc.
- ICE (Rob):
- There's a program, hopefully everyone will participate, and there is still room for posters.
- PAG Ag100Pests Talk: Join Session per Lindsey Perkin (Kevin); Add 2nd Talk (Surya)
- Project Updates
- DToL (Mark, Mara)
- No updates.
- Ag100Pests (Anna)
- Have moved into HiFi assemblies lately, and these have been working well
- Are ordering some Illumina for polishing of older assemblies
- Should be able to push out scaffolded assemblies from this first batch in the next month or so
- Moving to HiFi has also simplified the compute aspect
- Closing in on 100 nominated species
- Still interest in doing a long-horn beetle project (either improve existing or generate new)
- Beetles (Duane)
- Not a lot to update – reference quality genomes required by EBP aren't doable at the funds available, so they are working with draft level genomes
- Anna: costs are going down, could discuss further
- Momentum behind an NSF proposal that will sequence additional beetle reference genomes – 12 exemplar genomes at high quality
- New Asian long-horned beetle that is high quality
- Will be released in GenBank soonish
- Community is in a great position for nominating species – but they need someone with momentum/energy to lead the effort, which is difficult without funding
- Not a lot to update – reference quality genomes required by EBP aren't doable at the funds available, so they are working with draft level genomes
- Cornome (Brad, Jay, Dave)
- Bees (Brian)
- No updates – problems with input DNA
- France (Denis)
- California Ecosystem (fringy)
- Leps (Marian)
- Darwin Tree of Life Project (UK) plans to sequence ALL Lepidoptera - including moths as well as butterflies - in Wytham Woods (not the UK I guess), an ecologically important locale in Britain, as part of the Earth Biogenome Project. It has already posted 5 new draft genome assemblies for moths and 1 for a butterfly:https://www.darwintreeoflife.org/an-initial-set-of-raw-genome-assemblies-from-the-darwin-tree-of-life-project/
- Link to a Jan 28, 2020 webinar where Mark Blaxter reports on progress with the PAC Bio assemblies, etc for the Darwin TOL project. In it he reports 44 new Lepidoptera assemblies. Also a few screen shots of interest to i5K from the video which start around 12 min. Maybe put a link to it on a public i5k site? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaYbqQQgTL0
- Moths – not sure. Several leps are being sequenced as part of Ag100Pest project, e.g. coddling moth; Indian meal moth
- DToL (Mark, Mara)
- I5K Webinar Update (Anna)
- No updates.
- New Funding: New Ideas?
- No updates
- Other:
- Anna, Brian and Kevin are working on proposal for a grasshopper genome (8.5 Gbs)
NEXT MEETING: Mar 18, 2020
11:00-12:00 am ET