i5K Coordinating Group

21 February 2024

11:00-12:00 EST

Meeting Chair: Duane McKenna

Attending: Sue Brown, Chris Childers, Duane McKenna, Monica Poelchau

Regrets: Rena Schweizer

  • Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.
  • New member introductions
  • CC member cameo of the month: Chris Childers
  • Updated Calendar invite for cc meetings: Brad Coates. We agree that we should re-up the calendar invite - It would be good to mention that Sharon had canceled the previous invites to minimize confusion about the new invite.
  • Discussion topic: Genome project coordination working group
  • Working group highlights (can change order)
    • Community building and outreach. No meeting this month.
    • Standards
      • Recruited 4 new members (David Molik, Eric Tvedte, Gregor Bucher, Terrence Sylvester). Meeting on Monday 2/26. Goals are to identify first action items; possibly write paper describing gaps.
      • The consolidated notes document is available
      • Anna is working on a more public-facing document.
    • Exec committee
      • Discussions on: Genome project coordination working group; Calendar invites for this meeting; i5k ‘lunch’ discussion at AGS 2024; looking into NIMMS as a funding opportunity.
    • Training. Did not meet this month.
    • Genome Project Coordination: Report and Discussion
      • Recruiting new members
      • Connecting components of the community
      • Connecting to/with GoaT
      • Invite Cibele Sotero-Caio (from GoaT)
  • Working group additional items (example: AGS organization discussion from the Outreach WG)
    • From Brad: ESA Member Symposium submission this year; Due March 15. Someone besides me or willing to help me out in the organization of one? Theme and topic ideas appreciated.
  • Other items from the community germane to the cc (e.g. relevant EBP updates, new funding opportunities, meetings/conferences)

NEXT MEETING: 20 March 2024

11:00-12:00 EDT