i5K Coordinating Group

20 March 2024

11:00-12:00 EDT

Meeting Chair: Monica Poelchau

Attending: Duane McKenna, Monica Poelchau, Kevin Hackett, Alexie Papanicolaou, Terrence Sylvester, Chris Childers, Sarthok Rasique Rahman, Anna Childers, David Molik, Stephen Richards, Brad Coates, Josh Benoit, Harris Lewin’s AI

Regrets: Rob Waterhouse

  • Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.
  • “New” member introductions: Alexie Papanicolaou, David Molik, Stephen Richards
  • CC member cameo of the month: Chris Childers
  • Working group highlights (can change order)
    • Community building and outreach.
      • AGS-X spring symposium is ongoing - Feb session completed, three new sessions coming up in April and May. Will be getting registration information out soon.
      • ICE 2024 session. i5k-ish symposium organized by Brad. Anna will speak about i5k/Ag100Pest. Another i5k-related symposium is also available.
      • Brad and Sarthok worked together and submitted a member symposium proposal for Entomology 2024. We will hear back about it on/before 17 April.
      • AGS 2024 in Kenya
        • I5k session (talks)
        • I5k community discussion
        • Question about oxford nanopore presence at meeting - this might be a valuable technology due to cost. Is it worth identifying a rep from Oxford Nanopore?
    • Standards - starting on figure-based outline of white paper
    • Exec committee - met 3/11, mostly touched base.
    • Training. Haven’t had a chance to meet lately. Still working on videos and transcripts. Building list of resources that they’d like to share next month.
    • Genome Project Coordination. Trying to connect with Cibele Sotero-Caio - she will likely join our meeting in May.
  • Working group additional items (example: AGS organization discussion from the Outreach WG)
  • Other items from the community germane to the cc (e.g. relevant EBP updates, new funding opportunities, meetings/conferences)
  • Notes from EBP meeting 3/7:
    • Sample collection and processing committee is publishing guidance; EBP has established a space for EBP that members are welcome to publish on
    • Analysis committee has been focused on large-scale alignments
    • CNGB will release a genomes portal in March
    • Anna brought up GenBank submission and flows to RefSeq post-submission. Erich had a convo with GenBank on how to best streamline submissions (also ENA submissions - they are a different team). Might be worth having a regular meeting to discuss problems and work on fixes. RefSeq gets many requests to annotate, which slows things down, but they are open to requests.
    • Mentioned alpha release of EGAP pipeline soon - very basic at this point, won’t be able to produce RefSeq-quality annotation yet.
    • Comment that sharing genomes that are in progress should be a prerequisite for every affiliate project (e.g. i5k). In addition to completed projects. MP note: this highlights the importance of the i5k genome project coordination committee, and that we need to keep efforts up to keep this committee going.
    • Biodiversity cell atlas was highlighted.
    • Frontiers workshop manuscript to set future goals for EBP is at the final stages.

NEXT MEETING: 17 April 2024

11:00-12:00 EDT