i5K Coordinating Group

17 April 2024

11:00-12:00 EDT

Meeting Chair: Sue Brown

Attending: Sue Brown, Monica Poelchau, Chris Childers, Marc Halfon, David Molik, Brad Coates, Josh Benoit, Duane McKenna, Terrence Sylvester, Jay Evans, Kevin Hackett, Brian Scheffler, Anna Childers, Rob Waterhouse, Glenn Hanes


  • Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.
  • New member introductions
  • CC member cameo of the month: Sarthok Rahman (10 min) not in attendance
  • Working group highlights (can change order)

Upcoming sessions:

Session 3: Beenome100 and Comparative Bee Genomics, Tuesday, April 30 at 11am-1pm EDT. Moderators Jay Evans & Michael Branstetter.

Session 4: NCBI Comparative Genomic Resources, Tuesday, May 21 11am-1pm EDT. Moderated by Terence Murphy.

Arthropod Genomics Symposium, June 25-27 at KCB Leadership Centre, Nairobi, Kenya Nairobi, Kenya. Host: Kenyan Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). Detail at asking presenters if talks might be recorded

Biodiversity genomics (BG24) 28th Oct - 1st Nov 2024

proposed 3 i5k sessions -

beenome100 and Ag100Pest Initiatives, Jay Evans and Anna Childers


i5K COMMUNITY would like to hold a meeting, Brad S. Coates and Monica Poelchau

International Congress in Entomology 2024 (ICE24) August 25-30, 2024, Kyoto

Symposium “International sequencing initiatives: Building genomic resources and bridging research disciplines”, organized by Brad Coates

Includes presentation “USDA ARS’s Ag100Pest Initiative and Beenome100: From Pests to Pollinators and Beyond”, Anna Childers USDA-ARS

Entomological Society of America National Meeting, November 10-13 in Phoenix, AZ, Section Symposium “Genomic Approaches to Empower the Coexistence of Pest Control and Pollinator Protection” organized by Brad Coates and Sarthak Rahman

Accepted and in planning

  • Standards. Continuing to work on outline of standards + gaps white paper. Includes discussion on genome notes/reports standardization to decrease burden on reviewers.
    • Comment - it would be good to write a standalone discussion paper on this which includes the history of the genome paper (from large-scale analyses in the past, to current notes model). This would be useful for the entire community. Would need to consider including editors of journals
    • Note that the standards should go beyond the numbers, but what other content is expected to be included.
    • Wellcome trust is planning to release their software that automatically generates genome notes (without the intro)
    • Comment that the name ‘note’ may not fully capture what these papers can be. E.g. distinction between taxonomic descriptions that are basic vs. those that propose new ideas.
    • It would be worth defining what a ‘genome note’ or ‘genome report’ is vs. fuller description
  • Exec committee.
    • Discussion on delegation of some EBP votes to non-USDA i5k member. Discussion on activities to increase outreach/interest in i5k - ‘hot topic’ paper reviews similar to MGC (;
    • Podcast interviews of scientists and their genome project
    • Training no meeting
    • Genome Project Coordination next month discussion with Cibele on interactions with GOAT. What is a genome project group? How many genomes constitutes a group? How to submit progress on genome projects?
  • Working group additional items (example: AGS organization discussion from the Outreach WG)
  • Other items from the community germane to the cc (e.g. relevant EBP updates, new funding opportunities, meetings/conferences)

Discussion topics:

NEXT MEETING: 15 May 2024

11:00-12:00 EDT