i5K Coordinating Group
Conference Call Agenda
October 20, 2021
11:00-12:00 (EDT)
Attending: Brad Coates, Chris Childers, Monica Poelchau, Kevin Hackett, Brian Scheffler, Anna Childers, Glenn Hanes, Meg Allen, Mary Ann McDowell, Duane McKenna, Rob Waterhouse, Robert Miller, Kristen Panfilio, Sue Brown, Jay Evans
- Upcoming Meetings [brief updates]
- ESA, Oct 31-Nov 3, 2021: Symposium "Advancing Insect Genomics through the Ag100Pest and i5K Initiatives": Can we have an i5K YouTube Channel rebroadcast? (Brad, Sheina)
- Brad requested permission to get videos so we can put them up on YouTube - fine, but only afterwards, i.e. from Jan 2022
- Rob to set up channel on AGC slack like we did for last year, and also advertise the upcoming ESA talks
- PAG, Jan 8-12, 2022, San Diego: Workshop Proposals (were due Sept 3, 2021) (Brad)
- Still very much up in the air (e.g. some not allowed to travel - can we try to push for a definitive answer so we can actually make some decisions)
- Might consider like this year, transitioning into an AGSx online version of the session
- i5K-Ex Situ 2022 Webinars: an alternative for those that cannot attend PAG (Brad)
- This is probably not going to happen as organisers want people to attend PAG in person (hence transition to AGSx solution instead)
- Arthropod Genomics Symposium, 6-12 June 2022, Notre Dame (Mary Ann)
- Workshop 6-9 - details still to be defined
- Meeting 9-12 - several speakers agreed already, some might have to attend virtually
- No plans for virtual poster session per se, but probably will have a mechanism for sharing with people not on side
- There will be a 'Pan-Pacific' session that will likely occur during breakfast or earlier. Otherwise we can't accommodate other time zones
- One dinner session will have 3-minute lightning talks
- Future Meetings
- ESA, Oct 31-Nov 3, 2021: Symposium "Advancing Insect Genomics through the Ag100Pest and i5K Initiatives": Can we have an i5K YouTube Channel rebroadcast? (Brad, Sheina)
- Publications [brief update]
- PNAS (Anna)
- Nothing really to report here
- PNAS (Anna)
- I5K Workspace at NAL: Opportunities, Challenges [15-20 min] (Monica, Chris)
- Some decisions about the next steps and future vision, given the current challenges and how we can find solutions
- i5k Workspace@NAL - since 2013 - supporting genomics resources and tools for arthropod genome data (species with assemblies)
- Community-driven gene curation - now more than 15K gene models
- A lot of work has gone into making the data interoperable across platforms such as Ag Data Commons, NCBI, and the workspace
- Main infrastructures = Tripal, Apollo, and Search
- Tripal is now essentially mirroring a lot of what NCBI provides, so this could be one solution if we drop this infrastructure from our services
- What would be the community impact of essentially removing the public-facing database part of something that is really core to what i5k is
- Kristen - really useful resource, main use of Apollo and Search - would still be really good to be able to keep a handle on the species/content overview and help find relevant data for the community
- Anna - important when considering what might need to go to also make sure to direct users to where they can still find this info
- Rob - mechanisms to connect visualisations/data at NCBI with i5k@NAL pages exist (e.g. linkouts) so we could at least still keep options for users to easily see how to navigate between resources
- Rob - other direction =\> from a gene model in Apollo can also directly link with a single click to gene page at NCBI (therefore we might not need our own gene pages etc.)
- EBP, Oct 28-Nov 3, 2021: Debrief and take-homes for i5K [15-20 min] (Mark, Mara, Rob and all)
- Rob: Attended 2 workshops - well attended and went smoothly. No Slack interactions, very little interaction - likely zoom fatigue.
- Rob's advertisements of the insect talks on Slack were helpful
- A few new people joined the arthropod genomics community Slack
NEXT MEETING: November 17, 2021
11:00-12:00 am EST – Note change from Daylight to Standard time