i5K Coordinating Group

15 November 2023

11:00-12:00 EST

Meeting Chair: Sue Brown

Attending: Glenn Hanes, Monica Poelchau, Sue Brown, Duane McKenna, Marc Halfon, Brad Coates, Sarthok Rahman, Chris Childers, Anna Childers, Jay Evans, Rena Schweizer

Regrets: Rob (on a plane)

  • Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.
  • New member introductions: Rena Schweizer
  • CC member cameo of the month: Brad Coates
  • Working group highlights (can change order)
    • Community building and outreach

Planning for AGSx 2024 Sessions Jan-May 2024:

  1. Genomics for Insects as Food and Feed (Kristin Duffield, USDA as lead, and Brenda Oppert USDA as co-lead). February 2024

  2. Beenome100 and Comparative Bee Genomics (Jay Evans USDA ). March 2024.

  3. Insect Genome Biology and Evolution (Lindsey Perkin USDAInsect Control and Cotton Disease Research) April 2024

  4. NIH NCBIComparative Genomic Resources (Terence Murphy) May 2024.

Precise dates TBD based on presenter and Glenn’s availability

  • Standards. We held our gap analysis discussion on October 30th. ~20 people attended. We had three breakout groups for discussion: budgeting, sourcing, and vouchering; sequencing, assembly and analysis; and annotation and databasing. We had some great discussions and came up with multiple gaps per group. We are in the process of sorting the gaps into categories (arthropod vs. general, solvable vs. not) and will share the results with the attendees when we’re done. We also want to share these with the i5k cc during the December meeting to get your feedback.
    • Also, several people were interested in joining the standards WG as regular members.
  • Exec committee. The exec committee did not meet this month.
  • Training. Anna met with the group to teach how to create/annotate youtube videos. Several youtube videos are already done - they will have a list to share next month.
  • Genome Project Coordination. Duane may recruit some of his postdocs to help move this group along. Sarthok: it would be great if we could reach out to other groups that are on the cusp of submitting genomes to NCBI. GOAT is good for submissions but can be confusing. Curating content is necessary.
  • Working group additional items (example: AGS organization discussion from the Outreach WG)
  • Other items from the community germane to the cc (e.g. relevant EBP updates, new funding opportunities, meetings/conferences)
    • EBP update: Firstly, EBP Secretariat moved from UCDavis and will be housed at Arizona State University (ASU) for the next 3 years, starting from December 1, 2023. This move is complemented by additional support from the Darwin Tree of Life program and Genome British Columbia (in partnership with the University of British Columbia). In addition, Nicolette Caperello will continue her role as Executive Director.
    • Beenome group symposium at ESA was a great success. On Sunday morning.

NEXT MEETING: 20 December 2023

11:00-12:00 EDT