i5K Coordinating Group
20 December 2023
11:00-12:00 EST
Meeting Chair: Brad Coates
Attending: Rob Waterhouse, Marc Halfon, Monica Poelchau, Glenn Hanes, Anna Childers, Brad Coates, Teresa Shippy, Sarthok Rahman, Josh Benoit, Mary Ann McDowell, Sue Brown, Duane McKenna, Chris Childers
- Approval of previous meeting’s minutes.
Brad 1st and Marc 2nd motion
- New member introductions : Teresa Shippy
- CC member cameo of the month: Rob Waterhouse
- Report of the Standards Working Group with follow-up discussion
- Summary of WG meeting on Oct. 30. Provisional consolidated notes:
- Feedback from Coordinating Committee on issue prioritization
- Identification of overlaps with other working groups
- Report of the Genome Project Coordination Working Group (20-30 min.)
- Summary of current progress
- Recruitment of additional/new members
- Working group highlights (can change order)
- Community building and outreach
The chair missed the meeting, but will be scheduling AGSx 2024 Sessions Feb-May 2024 in early January.
i. February: Genomics for Insects as Food and Feed (Kristen Duffield)
ii. March: Beenome100 and Comparative Bee Genomics (Jay Evans)
iii. April: Insect Genome Biology and Evolution (Lindsey Perkin)
iv. May: NIH NCBI Comparative Genomic Resources (Terence Spencer)
International Congress Entomology 2024
Symposium (accepted) “International sequencing initiatives: Building genomic resources and bridging research disciplines” organized by Brad Coates
Presentation: USDA ARS Ag100Pest & Beenome100 of i5K by Anna Childers.
Symposium “Insect Genome Trans Data Analysis” organized by Kakeru Yokoi
Presentation: USDA ARS Ag100Pest applications in genomics of field crop pests by Brad Coates
- Training. Considering interview format. Sarthok has a list of available tools ready.
Exec committee. We discussed an idea from Anna to have a specific discussion topic/theme for each of these meetings, and advertise that topic in the email (possibly subject line), with the goal of making them interesting/attractive and recruiting more participants.
- Working group additional items (example: AGS organization discussion from the Outreach WG)
- Other items from the community germane to the cc (e.g. relevant EBP updates, new funding opportunities, meetings/conferences)
- AGS 2024 will be in Kenya (near ICIPE in a conference center). VectorBase workshop Jun. 22-25. AGS Jun. 25 Keynote evening - Jun. 27th.
NEXT MEETING: 17 January 2024
11:00-12:00 EDT