i5k coordinating committee meeting notes
i5K Coordinating Group
Conference Call Agenda
July 19, 2017
10:00-11:00 (EDT)
The meeting will focus on positioning i5K to take advantage of potential funding opportunities resulting from the Earth BioGenome Project and other global or local genomics efforts.
Notes are added to the original agenda in italics.
Attending: Anna Childers, Chris Childers, Kevin Hackett, Monica Poelchau, Marian Goldsmith, Monica Munoz-Torres, Sue Brown
- Nominations for Core Taxonomic Groups (fringy, Anna). Immediate goal is to develop prioritized lists of species that cover all Arthropod families
- i5k Species Nomination Database Update (Anna)
- Identify and Recruit Order or Family Taxal Leads to Nominate Additional Species
- Create Master List (Anna)
- Anna – creating a table to help organize.
- Prioritization of Species (fringy)
- Create Criteria for Prioritization (Moni)
- Moni: Haven't completed the criteria yet, but the people are connecting, and hopefully things will be put together in the next couple of week.
- Create Criteria for Prioritization (Moni)
- Organization of Sequenced and Nominated Species by Phylogeny
- Determine the Best Schematic, i.e., Method of Display/Access (Chris)
- Chris: No updates.
- Determine the Best Schematic, i.e., Method of Display/Access (Chris)
- Social Media Development Update (Moni, Marian)
- Moni: Not much progress, but – there are a number of us that have access to i5k twitter and facebook, and Anna has been active (re-tweeting papers, etc). We've consolidated to i5k account (at least only things will be posted on one account)- for twitter, this is 'arthropod i5k'. Moni will give the accounts a facelift. Rob Waterhouse has been good about sending things along to our account, too. Will try to get more followers.
- Anna: how do you fish for more followers? Moni – just look for scientists that are related to your interests, then you follow them. More often than not, they will follow back.
Expand Participation in Monthly i5K Coordinating Group Calls (Kevin)
- i5K-East Organization
- Recruit Alexie to Lead (Monica)
- Monica – Alexie's recruited a group, but it appears to be a broader taxonomic scope that is diverging from i5k. Will follow up with Alexie
- Recruit Alexie to Lead (Monica)
- Team Lead to Finalize Invitee List and Write Letter of Invitation
- Kevin: team lead needs to be recruited. Talked last time that we won't invite everyone to a coordinating group; on the other hand, we could certainly triple the number of people attending and still be fine.
- Anna: can be on the recruitment team (connections via webinar), but can't promise to lead it.
- There was general discussion on how to motivate new people to 1) join the coordinating committee and 2) affiliate their project with i5k.
Funding (Kevin): Discussion postponed until September
Other Business
- Publication, USDA Ag Research, Picture of i5K Pilot Arthropods (Kevin, fringy)
- i5K Webinar Update (Anna, Chris)
- If people have suggestions about webinar topics, please email Anna!
- i5K Workspace Webinar (Chris)
- Chris – turnout was pretty good (~30 people)
- Cornome (Jay)
- Kevin: moving along, some Illumina, some PacBio, some nanopore.
- Anna: Dovetail has a contest right now if anyone wants to enter…
- Kevin: Kevin will give a short talk on EBP/i5k at ESA this fall.
NEXT MEETING: September 20, 2017
10:00-11:00 am EDT