i5K Coordinating Group
Conference Call Meeting Notes
Nov 27, 2019
10:00-11:00 (EDT)
The focus will be on report backs from the ESA meeting and preparing for other meetings.
Attending: Kevin Hackett, Surya Saha, Meg Allen, Monica Poelchau, Anna Childers, Mark Blaxter, Mara Lawnicziak
- Change in Meeting Time
- Changing meeting time to 11 am Eastern – but what about European colleagues?
- Action item : Kevin (or other) will get in touch with European colleagues
- Changing meeting time to 11 am Eastern – but what about European colleagues?
- ESA Annual Meeting Report Back (Monica and others)
- Decent attendance – highest count was 85 people. Went well overall. However -
- We didn't figure out how to prioritize species during discussion. Therefore:
- How do we coordinate sequencing and prioritization?
- 'The list'
- Fringy is compiling a list – will this be public at some point?
- Marc Blaxter's BioProject idea (at least for larger projects, eg DtoL, Ag100Pest, etc)
- Sanger hasa UK list, with working groups to decide which from the list will be sequenced, and which ones have already been sequenced
- Labs sequencing single genomes can view the BioProject plans from larger projects that way, or contribute
- Action item: Anna will coordinate how to document and advertise this procedure for insects. People involved: Anna, Mark, Mara, fringy, Monica, possibly others
- Publishing standards in journals can be hard – instead, do a preprint (which you could keep on updating)? Or Fairsharing?
- How to prioritize?
- Ag100Pest has a prioritization list
- Could possibly have others vote on species on list?
- Sanger has a process for this
- 1 reference genome from every family in the UK in the next 2-3 years, 2 references in the next 5 years
- All British butterflies and megamoths
- Discussions about other taxa that would be nice to do deeper (important, iconic, interesting…)
- 'The list'
- Selected Future Meeting Issues/Updates
- PAG Meeting Participation
- No efforts to coordinate at PAG yet, at least formally
- There are several insect symposia; Anna will advertise them on the i5k github site
- Helsinki ICE Meeting Participation
- Rob Waterhouse is co-organizing a genomics session; will talk about larger sequencing projects
- PAG Meeting Participation
- Funding
- NSF talk at ESA: interdisciplinary projects may work well to support sequencing
- I5K Webinar: Top Issues (Anna)
- Sample prep webinar in the works with special time and date next year
- Standards for i5K Assembly (Anna)
- Looking for different medium to publish this
- Other:
- New protocol for de novo assembly from PacBio is out
- ATUTA channel link: tinyurl.com/ATUTA2019
- Sanger has multiple SOPs for extraction, etc – will release to protocols.io so they are datestamped and DOI'd for easier citation
NEXT MEETING: Jan 2020 – Date TBD [Jan 16 conflicts with PAG]
11:00-12:00 am ET [Note Proposed Change in Time]